Time Management

Can a time management app save your life?

How important do you think time management is?

Think about it. Time is one of the most valuable resources we have, especially nowadays when our lives are becoming more and more hectic. The notion of a time management app being able to save your life might seem ridiculous at first, but if you analyze the connection between your everyday habits and stress levels, you might begin to see how it’s possible, especially if you suffer from chronic stress.

We’re not talking about things like the app reminding you to go to a doctor’s appointment. It is about tangible improvements to your quality of life that you can attain if you make an effort to learn how to manage your time indeed. Those changes will impact everything, from reducing your stress levels to helping you sleep better and stay healthy. So how can you learn that and use time management apps to their full potential?

Become Familiar with the Time Management Matrix

To become more effective in time managing, it might be worth studying different time management systems. The time management matrix (or Eisenhower matrix as it is also called) is an excellent place to start. According to the system from Stephen Hovey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, there are four quadrants into which different tasks can be sorted based on importance and urgency. In theory, you should use it to determine what your priorities are, but a more profound understanding of this system could help you de-stress your everyday life. A detailed look at the four quadrants will offer more insights:

Overview of the Four Quadrants

  • Quadrant 1: Urgent and Important — the top left quadrant is populated by crises and emergencies, tasks that you cannot ignore;
  • Quadrant 2: Important but Not Urgent — the top right quadrant is for jobs that need to be planned for, but that doesn’t require immediate attention;
  • Quadrant 3: Urgent but Not Important — the bottom left quadrant contains tasks that you should minimize because they often interrupt your essential tasks;
  • Quadrant 4: Not Urgent and Not Important — the bottom right quadrant is all about the time wasting activities that are of little or no value to you.

Your next step will be to take a look at your typical day and sort your usual tasks into these four quadrants. You might be surprised at where you spend most of your precious time and energy.

The Best Quadrant to Spend Your Time In

Focusing on Quadrant 2 is key to effective time management and healthier life. Proper planning here can prevent many of the Quadrant 1 crises, as well as help you cut back on the trivial tasks of Quadrant 4. In the long-term, spending time on effective planning will do wonders to clear your vision and help you balance your life. It is where a good time management app comes in.

How a Time Management App Improves Your Quality of Life

Determine your priorities and figure out where to focus your energies. Then, for help with your work, find an ally. With the right app, you’ll be able to determine how each task contributes to achieving your long-term goals and when you need to push harder or relax. A large part of our everyday stress stems from feeling overwhelmed, and an enjoyable task scheduling app helps reduce that stress through proper planning, thus helping us stay healthy.

Practical use of time management apps means knowing what tasks you need to work on. Don’t fall into the trap of checking off trivial tasks to feel more productive, and focus on the tasks that matter instead.

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