Time Management

Take the leap towards better time management

It all happens so fast.

Work just keeps adding up and no matter what you do there just isn’t enough hours in the day to complete all your pressing tasks.

Eventually the tasks become overwhelming. Then stress takes over. You skip lunch, you take work home, you sacrifice sleep and overall, your productivity level begins to decrease. Why? All because you had too many things on the go, too many projects to manage and no idea what your priorities are.

I was just like you. Between work and school it seemed impossible to manage everything. There were just too many assignments, too many tasks and too many meetings shoved in between, that I began to lose track.

It didn’t matter how many to-do lists I had or how many calendars I took with me. I would still find a way to work on the not-so-pressing tasks first and forget about the major deadlines ahead, which left me procrastinating or pleading to a teacher or boss for that extension.

According to Cornerstone, 68 percent of full-time employees are suffering from work overload. Maybe you are like myself who was a part of that 68 percent.

Notice I said “was,” because now that I discovered TimeHero, my days are managed and I have peace of mind by knowing exactly what tasks I have to start right away and what can wait.

TimeHero is perfect for teams and businesses that have multiple projects and tasks to get done among a group of individuals.

You can assign tasks to employees and block out events, such as lunch or meetings. You can even change the number of hours you choose to work on any given day. By choosing your hours, you are letting TimeHero know when you will be productive. TimeHero will organize tasks based on due dates, time and priority.

By using TimeHero to organize projects and tasks it allows you to think less and do more. No more looking at to do lists and wondering what to start first. No more being unaware of what co-workers have extra time for extra tasks. No more wondering what projects are behind or ahead, because TimeHero will show you the progress or the lack thereof in some cases.

TimeHero has been a lifesaver and a major stress reliever.

Your body begins to shut down when you deprive it of sleep from overdue work or by forgetting to eat when there is so much on the go.

That is all a thing of the past with TimeHero.

It’s because of TimeHero that I’ve become more productive during my work days. It’s because of TimeHero that I’ve become happier and healthier.

I no longer forget to eat lunch during a busy day, since TimeHero has it scheduled for me while organizing all my other tasks around my lunch. I also get a good night's sleep knowing I am on track with all my projects. No more all nighters to get things done.

I can also schedule meetings and appointments in TimeHero, so everything can be in one place. I can also set reminders for those events and make sure tasks are scheduled around them. Or if I have an event that allows me to still get work done, I can schedule myself as available during that event and TimeHero plans tasks for me during that time.

If you are someone that has tons of meetings and appointments, but hate the idea of re-putting them all in TimeHero. Don’t worry! Simply add your google or Ical calendars right into TimeHero, so you never miss a thing.

The way TimeHero helps you organize your day, week and/or month is like nothing I’ve ever seen. So, join me and tons of others who have taken the leap towards better time management.

Say hello to the future of productivity! Say hello to TimeHero!

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